
Offshore Wind Entry Programme:
Financing opportunities from the Norwegian state

Financing opportunities from the Norwegian state

As a rapidly growing sector, offshore wind promises great opportunities for agile companies. Norwegian companies are well positioned to take significant market shares during the development, construction, and operational phases within offshore wind, both regionally and globally, but also within the offshore wind supply chain in Norway.

If your company has entered, or is planning to enter the offshore wind market, it is an advantage to be familiar with financing opportunities from the Norwegian state through Export Finance Norway and Innovation Norway.

Offshore Wind Aker Solutions

Team Norway’s Entry Programme Offshore Wind

Entry Programme Offshore Wind aims to accelerate the competitiveness of the supplier industry in the offshore wind market. The program delivers competency and connects stakeholders through an online platform that will be continuously updated.

Learn about Eksfins financing opportunities

Export Finance Norway (Eksfin) has so far contributed with more than 10 bn NOK in financing for offshore wind projects worldwide, and we have the capacity to do more.

Eksfin offers a broad range of financing solutions. By joining the Entry Programme Offshore Wind for free you will learn about financing through Export Finance Norway (Eksfin).

Please enter the financing module Offshore Wind Entry Programme Part 2: Building competence to learn more about how we can support you or your client, in Norway and abroad. Eksfin wants to go the extra mile to help Norwegian suppliers in tough international competition.

Meet Linn Lie (Head of Renewable Energy and Industry SME and Midcorp) and Bodil Sannes Vardenær (Senior Client Executive) who will present how Eksfin works, what we require of your company and also show you some relevant cases.

Eksfin expands the private banking market

Eksfin is organised as a governmental financial enterprise established under Norway’s Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries, with credit risk exposure limit of NOK 185 billion. Eksfin supports and finances both small suppliers and large suppliers.

Eksfin promotes Norwegian exports by supporting Norwegian companies, foreign buyers and their banks with loans, guarantees and expert advisory services. Read more about us.

Eksfin finances Norwegian suppliers, both small-, medium – and large sized companies and expand the private funding market. Meet Anders Gerlach Nielsen, Head of Section for Renewable Energy and Industry (large. corp.). He joins a discussion on what to expect when participating in offshore wind projects abroad.